"Loko" got advantage in the beginning, but before the end of the 1st quarter took the lead - the biggest difference to MBA was "+8". 

Maksim Barashkov was the hero of the 2nd quarter - 7 points in 10 minutes and massive blockshot against Jordan Morgan. Krasnodar team tried to short the gap - but the score was 43:37 to MBA before the break.

In the second half "Loko" continued to make a run - and it took 5 minutes to tie the game and intercept the lead. 

In the last 10 quarter the teams didn't let each other far than 3 points. Last 2 minutes were crucial: "Loko" scored 5 points in 10 seconds, making "+7" - our team tried to make comeback, but it didn't happened. The final score - 79:71 to home team.