The teams started the game with high energy, but both of them had problems with finishing. UMMC had better shots accuracy and it helped to win first quarter, 19:14.

After the 2-minutes break visitors increased the advantage to «+13» and forced Alexander Diratsuyan to ask for timeout. This decision was timely - MBA almost equalised the game and won this ten minutes, 22:20.

In the 3rd quarter there was no permanet leader - the teams one by one came forward to 1 or 2 points, but UMMC saved the leadership before the last 10 minutes - 55:54. 

In the last quarter visitors made one more run: they had «+8» 5 minutes before the buzzer. MBA came back to the game again, but didn't have enough time and energy to reach the opponent, 71:73.

Anastasia Logunova (13 points, 11 rebounds, 5 assists), Нина Глонти (13 points, 4 rebounds), Марина Голдырева (11 points, 3 rebounds), Мария Крымова (10 points, 4 rebounds, 4 assists), Виктория Черен (8 points, 6 rebounds), Татьяна Петрушина (7 points, 3 rebounds), Карина Низамова (7 points, 3 rebounds), Анна Лешковцева (2 points), Алёна Кириллова, Екатерина Кошечкина, Жосселина Майга, Екатерина Евдокимова.